
The BGSC Catalog of strains, 7th edition, is published in five parts. Click on the links below to view a catalog in Adobe Acrobat (.pdf) format. You will need the free Adobe Acrobat reader to view these files. In each of the catalogs, the table of contents and index listings are hyperlinked to appropriate pages in the text. When the "hand tool" becomes a pointing finger, click to follow the link. Please keep in mind that the BGSC has many stocks that are not included in any of these catalogs! The best way to find a strain may be to type text (try, for example, a published strain name, author, species name, gene name, or PMID number) into the search box at the top right corner of this page. IMPORTANT NOTE: Older catalogs may not reflect current prices. Please see the "order" tab for details, or write to for a quotation.

Other titles coming soon:

Transposon Vectors; TGeneral Purpose Cloning Vectors; Antibiotic Resistance Cassettes & Switching Vectors; Bacillus megaterium; Bacillus sphaericus; The Genus Bacillus...and more!